Adult Ministry

Spiritual Growth has no graduation day. 

Sunday Small Groups


We have groups connecting on Sunday mornings at church, every Sunday or every other Sunday depending on the needs of the group and current message series. Childcare is provided. If you need help finding a small group, let us help you! Do you know what you’re looking for? If so, check these out:

Women of Worth

A small group of women of all ages to join. Our studies vary from a book in the Bible, to a topical approach.


A small group for all ages, genders, singles or couples of all types. We study the Bible in an open discussion format.

Adult Single Parents

A small group for adult single parents.

Small Group Series

We believe small groups to be one of the key ways to experience and grow in the faith. Therefore, you are encouraged to connect with a small group as soon as possible, because sometimes, it takes trying several groups before you find just the right one. So jump in, get connected, and see where God leads. 

Men’s Ministry

All men are part of the Men’s Ministry. Not because they attend a service or weekend conference but because they are tasked to be Spiritual leaders. Men’s Ministry encourages men to participate in the life of the church with boldness and confidence. 

Men are invited to experience the various activities with the understanding that no single gathering will meet the needs of every man. From large event activities like skeet shooting and service projects, short-term book studies to an intense 2 year discipleship training, the Men’s Ministry want to reach men both in and outside of the church.

Women’s Ministry

The purpose of the Women’s Ministry is to encourage, support, and connect women into community as they pursue Jesus Christ and develop strong women of faith who glorify God by using their God given gifts.

Parent Ministry

Our greatest resource for parents is our Parent Ministry, which is available to support, encourage, and help you navigate these developmental years of your child’s life.

As hard as it is to believe, statistics show that parents are the greatest spiritual influence in their children’s lives and we want to do all we can to equip you to fulfill that role. We know how scary this sounds so we want to come alongside you to make it easier. Throughout the year we provide various classes, resources, and events to teach, train and resource you to lead your child through spiritual milestones that allow them to develop a sustainable spiritual foundation.   

The Legacy Path book is available upon request for parents!

Serving others should energize you, not leave you feeling drained and exhausted! Many people want to serve, but they are not sure which area of ministry will be the right environment for them. Taking PLACE and completing your connection session will help you discover how God created you to thrive in a specific environment. Not just survive but actually thrive!

If you’re not sure where you are called to serve, you can find your PLACE by joining an online PLACE Workshop and taking a Spiritual Gifts Assessment. Many people want to serve, but they are not sure which area of ministry will be the right environment for them. Taking PLACE and completing your connection session will help you discover how God created you to thrive in a specific environment.

We look forward to helping you discover how God has uniquely gifted you!

Ready to take PLACE?

P – Personality L – Learn Spiritual Gifts A – Abilities C – Connect your passion E – Experience



We value health and wellness at Pathway! Our walking track is open to everyone. Bring a friend or your earbuds, grab a lap counter and you are ready to walk the track.

Open to Everyone
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 8:00am – 9:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Friday 8:00am – Noon